  • Do not host and kill your servers repeatedly. Visit our discord for help if you need it.
  • Do not spam website actions, be patient and wait for the service to respond.
  • Do not login to another account that you do not own.
  • Do not register multiple accounts. One account per person.
Server Hosting
  • You may not kick/ban players for no reason. Each punishment must have a valid reason associated with it.
  • Treat your servers as you are a moderator of them. Play fair and be nice to your fellow players.
  • Keep your server names in check. No NSFW/NSFL topics.
  • Please monitor your server resources, such as CPU and memory. Servers will shut off if they exceed 4096MB of server memory.
Uploading WADs
  • Do not attempt to bypass WAD/MD5 bans by renaming or uploading similar files.
  • Do not upload any commercial IWADs.
  • Do not upload any wads that enables the ability to cheat through mod commands.
  • Uploading a file does not necessarily mean you are the owner, keep in mind when uploading.